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Textbook Assistance
About Textbook & Supply Assistance
By submitting this form, currently enrolled students can request assistance with purchasing textbooks and supplies from the OCC Bookstore. To receive assistance, you need to meet the following criteria:
Enrolled in courses at OCC (this assistance cannot be used for Coastline College or Golden West College courses)
Receive the California College Promise Grant (CCPG) fee waiver
Not part of a program the provides participants with textbook assistance (i.e. EOPS/Care, Guardian Scholars, or Student Equity)
Students can receive the following amount of assistance:
Fall/Spring Semesters:
12 units or more = $300 books and/or $100 for supplies
9-11 units = $250 and/or $75 for supplies
6-8 units = $200 and/or $50 for supplies
Less than 6 units = $150 and/or $50 for supplies
$150 books and/or $50 for supplies
Summer Session
6-9 units = $200 and/or $75 for supplies
Less than 6 units = $150 and/or $50 for supplies
Once your assistance request has been processed, you will receive a notice from the OCC Cares team that your OCC bookstore account is ready to be used. Funds for assistance are limited, and assistance is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Student Information
OCC Student ID Number
First Name
Preferred Name
Last Name
Email Address
You are requesting assistance with purchasing
You are requesting assistance with purchasing