Coast CCD Undocumented Student Action Week:
Undocumented Student Liaison Staff & Programs

UndocuLiaisons are located on California community college campuses to provide answers and support for undocumented students of all nationalities and backgrounds. These resources provide a safe community for UndocuScholars and a judgement-free place that makes it easier for students to focus on school and know they have support. 

Photo of Dalia

Dalia Zetina (she/her)

Dream Resource Program Coordinator / Undocumented Student Liaison
E: | P: (714) 241-6003

Photo of Dalia

Jenna Perez (they/them)

UndocuScholars Program Coordinator / Undocumented Student Liaison
E: | E:
P: (714) 714-7459

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